Thursday, December 3, 2009

Eng 111: Reflecting on fall semester 2009.

Eric Pancoast
Eng 111-49
Blog Assignment
Dec. 3 2009

It never ceases to amaze me how each and everyday I learn more about the world and myself, so much that I did not know, and though my newfound knowledge may conflict with my previous beliefs, I try to keep an open mind and be ready to tear down all the pre conceived conceptions I have built and make way for the new. Often what I gain is a whole new appreciation for the previous information I held, and by seeing the subject through another set of eyes, I can truly appreciate my perspective after looking from another’s perspective. I love college because of the diversity of opinions and beliefs that I encounter so often. That is the beauty of a class like Eng 111, in a composition course you have the ability to write about what you feel passionately about, and share that passion with others and in turn learn of your classmate’s opinions, while learning how to recognize and put to use the rhetorical tools that are so critical to writing. Plato said “Rhetoric is the art of ruling the minds of men,” though I really (If I dare) must disagree with the statement. The validity cannot be challenged, surely many men have used rhetoric as a means of personal gain, charming and persuading others who are not so educated and aware of the enchanter’s tactics. Yet it seems to me that labeling rhetoric as a tool for ruling ones mind is on the same level as a man who becomes a psychologist so to better manipulate a person; when regarding both psychology and rhetoric it is despicably pathetic these noble arts purely as a form of manipulation. Psychology is the understanding (not domination) of the mind, and rhetoric is the understanding (NOT domination or manipulation) of tools one can use and recognize in speech not only to persuade another, but to inform as well, and to not only appeal to one’s emotions and captivate them, a technique with limited usefulness, but to convey your information in a manner that is specific to your audience, so that the audience can relate to the speaker or writer. We must use rhetoric as a way of breaking out of cultural boundaries, or when speaking to those outside of our own generation. But I better stop before I get way off topic; my biggest issue with assignments is word counts. The point is that what we learn in Eng 111 is more than just MLA formatting and works cited (the absolute epitome of boring), but so much more.
This semester Paul has assigned many essays designed not only for us to apply the rhetorical tools, pathos, logos, and ethos, but also to get us students thinking critically, and creatively. I found that writing about “What I believe” supplemented the hypotheses that I had already been creating; as worked to put my beliefs into words, and to effectively convey my belief to another I really was able to define my opinion and strengthen it with detail, with fact, and with passion, becoming a somewhat credible source on the subject, not only a student with an opinion, but a student with an educated opinion. And further we educated students gain the ability intelligently defend our opinions instead of using other (unorthodox) commonly employed persuasive techniques such as raised voices and throwing fists at one another so that they may come to see our point of view.
I found that In order to effectively write the “Rhetorical Analysis” essay, I had to truly look inward to analyze how rhetoric has affected my life. Looking inward to answer the question posed and supply the question with an answer that is the being I am today; well it isn’t easy, and it is not a task I take lightly for fear of unintentionally misrepresenting myself. Yet once the inward journey begins it really can be quite therapeutic. Just another bit of understanding that I have gained this semester, my first semester of college. Coming into this semester and this course, I had little idea of what career choice I would make to determine my future. I knew I was interested in literature, and In becoming a professor, but that was the extent of my ambition. Yet the combination of reading the entire book required for my mythology class (and all the books by the author) and all the research I did for my Argument essay, lead me to discover about my interests, and what I want to make my life work. The Argument Essay assignment was my favorite. Although I don’t particularly like the essay itself, the research I did and the knowledge I gained through the research is so very valuable to me, the essay Is just a product of some of that research, but the real prize is all in my brain.
Now here comes my evaluation of how Paul structures his Eng 111 course. Will I recommend him? Or will I warn students against taking his class? Paul’s style of teaching involves a lot of technology, and I had a very hard time with that. I think that Paul should spend more time with us in the computer lab if he expects for students to meet all of these technological standards. I or one, now realize that I really came into this class with pitifully insufficient knowledge of Microsoft Word, yet it is not impossible to pass his class being so technologically illiterate. Paul is a great teacher and though I found Black Board confusing, as long as you constantly checked online, it was very useful, and the sources we could look up were invaluable to gaining an understanding and approaching the subject from multiple directions. I would take Paul’s Eng 112 class, except I am not attending TCC next semester, which is too bad because there is a lot that Paul’s style of teaching has to offer.

Works Cited

1. Rhetoric Quotes. Think Exist Quotations.1999. Web. 2 Dec. 2009 h

2.Work in Progress. My Place or Yours. Wordpress. 30 Jan. 2009. Web. Dec. 2 2009


  1. Its called "use your head" but thats only because when paul said to choose a title I thought that he meant the title of our essay, and "Use your head" was going to be my argument essay title.

  2. Self-reflection and follow-up comments on yourself? You are a writer.
